Resultados: 4

Technologies used by nursing to predict clinical deterioration in hospitalized adults: a scoping review

Rev. bras. enferm; 75 (5), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: to map the early clinical deterioration technologies used in nurses' professional practice in the care of hospitalized adult patients. Methods: this is a scoping review, according to Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewer's Manual, which seeks to map the main technologies for detecting ea...

ICNP® terminology subset for the care of people with heart failure

Rev. bras. enferm; 75 (2), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: to develop an ICNP® terminology subset for the care of people with heart failure. Methods: this is a methodological study, which used the theoretical framework of the Mid-Range Nursing Theory for Cardiovascular Rehabilitation, with the steps: Construction of nursing diagnoses/outco...

Interventions related to cardiovascular complications in people hospitalized by covid-19: a scoping review

Rev. bras. enferm; 74 (supl.1), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the scientific evidence of complications and the need for cardiovascular interventions in people hospitalized by Covid-19. Method: a scoping review carried out according to The Joanna Briggs Institute recommendations, in the MEDLINE, CINAHL, SCOPUS and Web of Science dat...

Fatores de risco cardiovascular em adultos jovens de um município do Nordeste brasileiro

Rev. bras. enferm; 65 (4), 2012
Objetivou-se averiguar fatores de risco cardiovasculares em adultos jovens num interior do Nordeste brasileiro. Estudo quantitativo realizado com 351 escolares adultos jovens de 12 escolas públicas em Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, selecionados aleatoriamente e estratificados por escola e turno. Os resultad...